Friday, April 25, 2008

Jim Casci True Italian-Entreprenuer

Tribute to Jim years ago employed Dancers ie: Titian (sp)
Enjoy the video Jim would like that.

Jimmy For St Paul Mayor!

Last Updated:
Oct 9, 2007

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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 64
Sign: Virgo

City: St Paul
State: Minnesota
Country: US

Signup Date: 03/30/07

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Truth - How It Is!!!!
Current mood: energetic

Casino Gaming in St Paul will pay for all seniors meds, hospitalization, nursing homes, education, cut taxes drastically, pay for roads, transportation, add police, fire, home health care for seniors, fire inspectors, housing inspectors for mold, new road infrastructure, which will liven up downtown St. Paul. Prescriptions for senior, hospital and home care or nursing home care, good nursing homes.

Work in conjunction with Xcel arena, more good conventions, expos, concerts

Quit squandering money on companies from out of town to be consultants.

Get rid of all the pork in the city and county.

Where do you put casino gaming? Harriet Island, Raspberry Island and on Riverboats before Light Rail in up and running and run a line to the casinos, or have a station on Kellogg Blvd and with a shuttle service to the casino. Put the casino up to a referendum of the voters and let the taxpayers decide if they want a casino or not.

Light Rail might be good for St Paul, but in my opinion, St Paul is not ready for Light Rail yet since it will bring much law enforcement problems. Look at what the light rail brought in to the Mega Mall. The Ramsey City Board and City Council should not fight, not after Rapheal Ortegea, Ramsey County Board Member and the Ramsey County Board, did all of the work on the project.

St. Paul needs a turnover in the council. The president has been in power for far too long. St Paul is ready for a change, and bringing in new blood with new idea is the perfect way to facilitate change. Lets clean house, turn over the St Paul City Council.

Too many empty buildings and to many empty stores fronts "Why" to give perks to Big Business. Big Business gets greedier and pushes out small mom and pops out of business. Big Business should work together with small business to help make an atmosphere of teamwork.

At large council for entire City of St Paul. Get rid of the ward system.

Council meetings should be in the early evening and on sat afternoon, rotating the location. This will enable taxpayers and residents to attend meetings and speak up for what they believe.

I will have an open door policy in my office if I am elected. Stop me on the street and I will discuss any issue about the city of St Paul.

All City Council Elections Should Be Held at the same time. This would save the city thousands of dollars.

All promotions should be done from within the department, by the employees of that department.

Revoke smoking ban until it a statewide decision becomes law.

Stronger Union Support!!!!

Everybody works together as a team. Has fun. Will take more pride in our city. Consequently we will grow stronger together.

Why give 9.5 million to Andrew Zimmer?

Why 983 vacant homes in St Paul?

City Council member legislate their own agenda. Let the residents help the city council decide the agendas.

Reorganize all city agencies and services. Cut the Pork and share the wealth.

What has Chris Coleman done for St Paul? Pick up a check you say! Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! The mayor does not need a driver 24/7/365. Start cutting pork at the top all the way down to the bottom agencies.

Read "Invisable Prey" by Johnson Stanford.

Stop the Spending Spree! A casino will pay for it all.

Semple Excavating is not living up to what the city is paying for. Stop bidding out contracts for snowplowing. 128 cul-de-sacs in city are contracted, the city has enough personal and equipment to handle the plowing internally. The city did a better job than Semple. Where has the snow plowing budget surplus gone for the last 5 years?

Slot machines located in businesses and bars should keep revenue to reimburse them for lost revenue due to smoking bans.

Let the people decide if they want smoking and gaming, not local bodies.

Actively ticket vehicles parked in handicapped parking spots. Only three

around court house, only (2) on 4th and Kellogg. Squad cars should not have the right to park at the meters without paying for them, this is special treatment. Add additional handicapped parking spots around the City of St Paul.

Legalize ticket scalping! Let the citizens decide to pay or not for events. We do not need city officials to tell us how to spend our money. Freedom of choice.

Actively inspect businesses for illegal workers. Those that do not have a green card need to be deported so legal residents have a chance at a job.

List of properties owned by City of St Paul and Ramsey County. Properties like 7th & Maple St. Vacant Land. How were all of these properties obtained???

Mold! Train building and fire inspectors about the health dangers of untreated mold.

St Paul City Council and Ramsey County Board to Start Working Together for the good of the taxpayers. St Paul, Minneapolis, and surrounding communities should work together like the one big community, teamwork.

Hire additional police officers and teach them how to be more taxpayer friendly.

I've been told that one council person cannot make a difference, but I beg to differ. The magic word "let the voters decide what they want." After all, their taxes pay of it all.

Bring the Taste of Minnesota" back to the capital grounds. Move the Winter Carnival back to neighborhoods and downtown St. Paul. Bring More Nightlife to downtown St Paul so that taxpayers, visitors, and conventions can have some entertainment in the evening. Minneapolis gets all the action, all goes west, bring in any and all legal entertainment.

The politicians always solicit contributions from bar owners, however they are soon forgotten when legislation is enacted that hurts them and businesses. They just cater to large corporations. This is supposed to be a free country. I doubt that the first amendment to the constitution will be changed, and you know how the first amendment rights read out.

My Estate owns 58 pieces of property in the City of St Paul, and 1 in Wisconsin. All Warranty Deeds will soon be filed with Ramsey County.

Since 1993 their has been financial, fraud, embezzlement, forgery, and many more very serious crimes committed to my parents and my estate.

All I want is our hard working money and assets back, plus interest and penalties, and all done by the law. Incarceration will be very acceptable to myself and my heirs. I am a victim of home equity stripping and a severe mold problem. Abusive and predatory lending, financial fraud, embezzlement, forgery, theft, burglary, food poisoning, rear end collision when stopped a red light. I have a death treat, which I reported to the Oakdale Police Department, and have had numerous terroristic treats which I reported to the SPPD. They have not let me file charges after writing letters to John M. Harrington, Senior Commander Timothy Leary (homicide), Kathleen Wuorninen (commander of internal affairs), John Wuorninen (auto theft). I wrote them about it and heard no response. Guilty!!!

From 2000-2004 I have contributed a substantial amount of money to the St Paul K-9 foundation, St Paul Police Federation, and other SPPD causes and fundraisers. I even donated 3 private suites at the Metrodome and all events were given to the above departments to use at their discretion. Unfortunately 90% of the 3 suites were used for personal department entertainment, not the underprivileged causes I intended them to be used for.

I donated thousands for dollars to the to St Paul Harley Davidson and Tom Gianetti along with Bill Finney for the annual diabetes foundation. The funds were given to Aaron Foster to give to this cause but 90% were never derived, this I can prove. I have requested records from Tom Gianetti, St Paul Harley Davidson, Diabetes Foundation, and the U of M, but have received nothing. All contribution made thru Mr. Aaron Foster. Oh, and I am barred from St Paul Harley Davidson. "Guilty"

The St Paul Police Department tried to intimidate me with 32 moving violations, and I beat them all. It all started when I said I was going to run for St Paul Mayor.

I was barred from the St Paul Hotel because I told off senator Norm Coleman and Rudy Boswitch. I could care less, they are small minded people. "Guilty"

I will eventually name all names. As it will be the truth. In the end, you can never beat the truth. I always say I learn something new every day. To me it is called life. More to Come. Read a book called "Minnesota Rag by Fred W. Friendly." Very Interesting. Easy Reading. I hope to represent Ward 7 in the future. I truly am an independent liberal and proud of it. I do not believe in the party system. To much partisan B.S. Lets represent the tax payers and not worry about the party affiliations at large city council. Responsible to all tax payers in all wards. One big ward, the City of St Paul!!! It is a dirty rotten shame that there are 983 vacant homes in the City Of St Paul. I will take 3-4 million dollars in mortgages on my properties and will work with agencies to fix up and sell these vacant houses to minorities, blacks, Hispanics, Asian, and all parties in need for a low down payment and an estimated $500 dollar closing cost. A very low rate of interest. Payments will be cheaper than rent and these people will take pride in these properties. The American Dream is to own your own home. My father and I did contracts for deed for 40 years and very seldom had a foreclosure. Many people do not know what a contract for deed is. I started working on them with my father at age 10. See that I am a senior citizen and legally handicapped, I may qualify for grants, loans from the city and county, state or federal governments. This is one of my visions. I have more, but one step at a time. We will help many people to revitalize our beautiful City of St Paul and Ramsey County. This will all be accomplished if the City of St Paul, Ramsey County, the State of Minnesota, along with their bosses, the taxpayers, the people who pay the cities wages can bring this dream to life. A Team Effort!!! "I have a dream also."

I am a senior citizen and legally handicapped. I fear no one. I am not intimidated by anyone. I am fearless and always say it the way it is, and not behind your back. If I am in the wrong, I will admit it. Nobody is perfect, everybody has some skeletons in their closet. I owe no favors!!!! I am blessed by being multi-faceted. St Paul is my town. I love my city. Things have changed a lot since 1992, but we will try to rectify as much as possible if I am elected. Or should I say, honored to represent the great City of St Paul, Minnesota Ward 7.

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